


memahami lirik lagu Save Me - A7X

lagu ini adalah lagu brdurasi paling panjang diantara lagu a7x lainya

[They all know! They all know!]
[Mereka semua tahu! Mereka semua tahu!]
(lirik ini mncritakan bhwa sbagian orng sdh tau bhwa the rev meninggal)

Sorry, did I wake your dreams?
Maaf, apakah aku membangunkan mimpi-mimpimu?
Some questions run to deep
Beberapa pertanyaan merasuk begitu dalam
We only, only wake up when we sleep
Kita terbangun hanya saat tidur
Led by the lunar light, trouble's all we'd find
Dengan bimbingan cahaya rembulan, hanya masalah yang 'kan kita dapati
Lost our way tonight
Kehilangan arah kita malam ini
(mungkin dilirik ini tentang mereka yg berusaha mnjawab semua peertanyaan pada orng2 yg menanyakan tentang the rev,)

Is it something we said?
Apakah itu sesuatu yang kita katakan?
Is it something we said to them?
Apakah itu sesuatu yang kita katakan pada mereka?
Is it something we said?
Apakah itu sesuatu yang kita katakan?

[Save me]
[Selamatkan aku]
Trapped in a vile world
Terperangkap di dunia yang kejam
[Save me]
[Selamatkan aku]
Where the endings all the same as every other
Dimana akhirnya selalu sama saja
We're only here to die
Kita di sini hanya untuk mati
[Save me]
[Selamatkan aku]
Losing my only dream
Kehilangan satu-satunya mimpiku
[Save me]
[Selamatkan aku]
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
Bisa kugunakan lampu pemandu, tempat untuk kutuju
If you hear me, let me know
Jika kau dengar aku, beritahu aku
(dilirik ini mncritakan ketakutan meraka akan dunia yg kejam,
dimana semua yg hidup akan mati)

[They all know! They all know!]
[Mereka semua tahu! Mereka semua tahu!]

Ever since the day you let my fate's been set unknown
Sejak hari dimana kau biarkan nasibku tlah diatur tak tentu
How many years to walk this path alone?
Berapa tahun harus kulalui jalan ini sendiri?
So much to see tonight, so why'd you close your eyes?
Terlalu banyak yang harus dilihat malam ini, lalu kenapa kau pejamkan matamu?
Why can't I shut mine?
Kenapa tak boleh kupejamkan mataku?
(dibagian ini mereka msh tdk mnyangka tentang the rev ytg meninggalkan dunia bgitu cepat)

Help me find my way
Bantu aku temukan jalanku
I said help me find my way, yeah
Kataku bantulah aku temukan jalanku, yeah
No pulse inside of me, stone cold lips and heresy
Tak ada denyut di dalam diriku, bibir dingin batu dan keyakinan sesat
All lies and to a degree, losing who I wanna be
Semua dusta dan pada titik tertentu, kehilangan diriku sendiri
(pikiran mereka buntu, dan berharap ada seseorang yg akan mmbantu mereka untk mnemukan jalan mreka kembali)
Find out, right now
Temukan, sekarang juga

He may be out of his mind
Dia mungkin gila
But some day you will find, that sanity has left us all blind
Namun suatu hari kau kan tahu, bahwa kewarasan telah membutakan kita semua
And dragged us all behind, a moment seen through those eyes
Dan menyeret kita kembali, saat yang terlihat melalui mata itu
Crystal blue disguise, they say that all beauty must die
Samaran biru kristal, mereka bilang semua kecantikan harus mati
I say it just moves on
Kubilang semua itu abadi
(dilirik ini, mereka mncritakan tentang the rev, musisi yg penuh dgn talenta)

If you'd only open your mind, then some day you will find
Andai kau mau membuka pikiranmu, maka suatu saat kau kan temukan
Insanity left us behind, and walked right through the door
Kegilaan telah meninggalkan kita, dan berlalu melalui pintu
I can see the pictures clear as yesterday, pictures all my own
Bisa kulihat gambar sejelas kemarin, gambarku sendiri
I can hear the voices begging you to stay, but know you're not alone
Bisa kudengar suara yang memohon kau tetap tinggal, namun tahu kau tak sendiri
(mereka msh merindukan sosok the rev)

Tonight we all die young
Malam ini kita mati muda
Tonight we all die
Malam ini kita mati
Tonight we all die young!
Malam ini kita mati muda! 



Memahami Lirik Lagu ''This Is The Life - Dream Theater''

This Is The Life
[Music by John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess, Lyrics by John Petrucci]

mungkin lagu ini bercerita tentang renungan JP (atau kita semua pada umumnya)

In the heart of your most solemn barren night
When your soul's turn inside out
Have you questioned all the madness you invite?
What your life is all about
(dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam,
pernahkah kita mempertanyakan tentang perbuatan dan makna hidup kita)

Some of us choose to live gracefully
Some can get caught in the maze
And lose their way home
This is the life we belong to
Our gift divine
(beberapa orang hidup dalam kemewahan/elegan, yang lainnya malah tersesat
inilah hidup kita, karunia Illahi)

Have you ever wished that you were someone else?
Traded places in your mind
It's only a waste of your time
(pernahkah kita berharap jadi orang lain, bertukar tempat
itu cuma buang-buang waktu)

Some of us choose to live gracefully
Some can get caught in the maze
And lose their way home
This is the life we belong to
Our gift divine

Feed the illusion you dream about
Cast out the monsters inside
Life begins with an empty slate
Fragile left in the hands of fate
Driven by love and crushed by hate
Until the day the gift is gone
And shadows remain
(buang semua khayalan, hidup berawal dari kekosongan
rapuh oleh takdir, didorong oleh cinta dan dihancurkan oleh kebencian
sampai saat karunia hilang -- mungkin maksudnya perjalanan hidup dari lahir sampai mati)

Some of us choose to live gracefully
Some can get caught in the maze
And lose their way home
Memories will fade
Time races on
What will they say after you're gone?
This is the life we belong to
Our gift divine
Our gift divine
(beberapa orang hidup dalam kemewahan/elegan, yang lainnya malah tersesat
ingatan mulai kabur tapi waktu terus berpacu
apa kata orang2 setelah kita meninggal -- maksudnya perbuatan kita saat masih hidup kita akan diingat baik buruknya
inilah hidup kita, karunia Illahi)



memahami lirik lagu Endless Sacrifice - Dream Theater

Lagu ini adalah salah satu lagu cinta yang sangat2 jarang ada di lirik2 lagu DT. aahahaha...
menceritakan tentang seseorang yang rindu akan kekasihnya yang jauh, dan keadaan (mungkin pekerjaan) membuat mereka tetap jauh terpisah. mungkin istilah anak2 muda jaman sekarang Long Distance relationship kali ya? ahahaha..

mungkin JP buat lagu ini buat istrinya(dan istri2 personel DT laen) yang sering ditinggal jauh kalo DT lagi tur..

Endless Sacrifice

[Lyrics by John Petrucci]

Lying in my bed
Staring into darkness
I hear footsteps overhead
And my thoughts return

Lying in my bed
Staring into darkness

I hear footsteps overhead
And my thoughts return

Like a child who's run away
And won't be coming back
Time keeps passing by
As night turns into day

seseorang yang sedih karena memikirkan sesuatu yang dia sayangi
waktu demi waktu dia lalui dalam kesedihannya

I'm so far away
And so alone
I need to see your face
To keep me sane
To make we whole

ternyata yang dia pikirkan adalah kekasihnya yang telah lama tidak berjumpa
dan kerinduannya semakin memuncak akan kekasihnya hingga dia merasa sangat kesepian

Try to stay alive
Until I hear your voice
I'm gonna lose my mind
Someone tell me why
I chose this life
This superficial lie
Constant compromise
Endless sacrifice

dia tidak akan bisa bertahan sebelum bertemu kembali dengan kekasihnya
dia merasa tidak berdaya akan keadaan yang memaksanya terpisah jauh dari kekasihya
dia merasa dalam 'pengorbanan yang tak berujung'

It saddens me to know
The helplessness you feel
Your light
Shines on my soul
While a thousand candles

Outside this barren room
The rain is pouring down
The emptiness inside
Is growing deeper still

You're so far away
And so alone
You long for love's embrace
To keep you sane
To make you whole

batinnya seakan terhubung dengan kekasihnya yang juga merasakan hal yang sama dengannya
mereka berdua tersiksa oleh kerinduan yang amat dalam

Moments wasted
Time escaping
Endless sacrifice

waktu dan ruang memisahkan mereka

Over the distance
We try to make sense
Of surviving together
While living apart

mereka berusaha untuk bertahan dalam kerinduan mereka
Striving for balance
We rise to the challenge
Of staying connected
In spite of circumstance

mereka berusaha untuk tetap berhubungan dan mengetahui keadaan satu sama lain walau ruang dan waktu memisahkan
All you've forsaken
And all that you've done
So that I could live out
This undying dream

Won't be forgotten
Or taken for granted
I'll always remember
Your endless sacrifice

mereka masing2 mencoba untuk mengerti akan pengorbanan yang mereka berikan untuk mempertahankan hubungan mereka sampai akhirnya mereka bertemu kembali

memahami lirik lagu The Great Debate - Dream Theater

The Great Debate
     - John Petrucci

penjelasan singkat sebelumnya
[Both Channels] sudut pandang orang tengah/netral yang memperhatikan perdebatan
[Left Channels] sudut pandang pro stem-cell research
[Right Channels] sudut pandang kontra stem-cell research
Untuk stem cell sendiri bisa dibaca di sini
intinya stem cell ini menggunakan embrio manusia sebagai bahannya.
ini yang menjadi kontroversi

   "A Gallup snapshot poll taken immediately after              [Both Channels]
    President Bush's speech on funding embryonic
    stem cell research last night shows that half of
    Americans approve of his decision, 25% do not,
    and still another 25% aren't sure what to think."

   "Most people don't even know what stem cells are."           [Left Channel]
   "Who's going to scream the loudest, will it be the           [Both Channels]
    right-to-lifer's, will it be the scientists?
    And now what's going to happen is that there will
    be a tremendous amount of lobbying in Washington
    D.C. Scientists, entertainers, people who want to
    see this research will be coming forth."
   "I'm concerned about it, Christopher Reeves is               [Right Channel]
    concerned about it, everyone is concerned about it,
    but the big question is, do the ends justify the
    means? And when we talk about research, yes we can
    cure a lot things speculatively, but where's the
   "These developing human beings that they're talking          [Left Channel]
    about, these embryos were produced in an artificial
    scientific environment, in vitro fertilization is
    not God's will."
   "That doesn't make them any less human though, after         [Right Channel]
    that happens."
   "We're on a road where we really don't where we're           [Both Channels]
    going as far as what's next, we're talking about
    harvesting embryos, we're talking about this, we're
    talking about that, but what is the cost?"
   "How could we possibly abandon the research?"                [Left Channel]
                             [The following samples are played simultaneously]
   "Well that's right, it's the old question, I mean if         [Left Channel]
    you think the research is good, of course you'd have
    no problem at all with it. It's only if you think the
    research involved is something evil, then you get the
    question of ‘Is it okay to [??]?’ And the truth of
    the matter is that we do that all the time with organ
    transplants, I mean with people that are killed or
    murdered or people who're just victims of automobile
    accidents, abandoning all [??]. We do take their organs
    and we look to try to save other lives. We try to [??]
    all the time. [??] kill someone [??]"
   "And I'd like to mention that we don't have the answers      [Left Channel]
    yet. We need to put the money into something that'll
    hopefully get those answers in the future. Listen,
    we're out of time."

   "And in this country there was a great outrage of [??]
    from all points. From churches, mainline [??]...
    that you can not use [??]... to cure [??]...
    and as it turned out [??]... great outrage... [??]"       [Right Channel]

    What if someone said
    Promise lies ahead
    Hopes are high in certain scientific circles
    Life won't have to end
    You could walk again
bayangkan sebuah temuan sains yang menjanjikan
yang dapat membuat orang lumpuh bisa kembali berjalan
keberlangsungan hidup dijamin 

    What if someone said
    Problems lie ahead
    They've uncovered something highly controversial
    The right to life is strong
    Can't you see it's wrong
Permasalahannya penemuan ini sangatlah kontroversial
hak untuk hidup dan keinginan orang untuk bertahan hidup sangatlah kuat
tapi ini salah

    Human kind has reached a turning point
    Poised for conflict at ground zero
    Ready for a war
    Do we look to our unearthly guide
    Or to white coat heroes
    Searching for a cure
Umat manusia menghadapi pilihan yang sulit
dipicu oleh konlfik dan peperangan
apa kita berpaling kepada kepercayaan kita
atau kepada para ilmuan yang berusaha mencari penyembuhan

    Turn to the light
    Don't be frightened of the shadows it creates
    Turn to the light
    Turning away would be a terrible mistake
beralihlah ke kebenaran, jangan takut akan akibat yang terjadi
berbalik arah akan mengakibatkan kesalahan fatal

    Anarchist moral vision
    Industries of death
    Facing violent opposition
    Unmolested breath
    Ethic inquisitions breed
    Antagonistic views
    Right wing sound bite premonitions
    A labyrinth of rules
pihak kontra terlalu melihat sisi moralis dan cenderung tidak mengikuti undang
pihak pro mendapat tekanan2 hingga berbentuk kekerasan

    Are you justified
    Are you justified
    Are you justified
    Justified in taking
    Life to save life
    Life to save life
    Life to save life
apakah tindakan anda terjustifikasi dengan membunuh orang untuk menyelamatkan orang lain?

    This embryonic clay
    Wrapped in fierce debate
    Would be thrown away
    Or otherwise discarded
    Some of us believe
    It may hold the key
    To treatment of disease
    And secrets highly guarded
Temuan yang sangat penuh perdebatan ini
tidak bisa dibuang begitu saja
ada yang percaya, bahwa ini merupakan kunci untuk penyembuhan

    Are you justified
    Are you justified
    Are you justified
    Justified in taking
    Life to save life
    Life to save life
    Life to save life
apakah tindakan anda terjustifikasi dengan membunuh orang untuk menyelamatkan orang lain?

    Human kind has reached a turning point
    Poised for conflict at ground zero
    Ready for a war
    Do we look to our unearthly guide
    Or to white coat heroes
    Searching for a cure
    Turn to the light
    Don't be frightened of the shadows it creates
    Turn to the light
    Turning away would be a terrible mistake
    We're reaching
    But have we gone too far
    Harvesting existence
    Only to destroy
    Carelessly together
    We are sliding
    Someone else's future
    Four days frozen still
    Someone else's fate
    We are deciding
    Miracle potential
    Sanctity of life
    Faced against each other
    We're divided
    Should we push the boundaries
    Or should we condemn
    Moral guilt and science
    Have collided
Kedua pandangan saling berbenturan,
sebuah temuan ilmiah yang dianggap mukjizat medikal
namun juga dianggap sebagai tindakan yang amoral
di saat ini pemerintah dihadapi dengan sebuah keputusan
nasib orang lain, masa depan orang lain, ditangan mereka
apakah meneruskan riset ini? atau mengutuknya?
moral dan sains berbenturan

    Turn to the light
    We defy our own mortality these days
    Turn to the light
    Pay attention to the questions we have raised
kedua pihak saling melakukan pembenaran akan pandangan mereka
                             [The following samples are played simultaneously]
   "...research, scientific advancement. And I know we're       [Left Channel]
    going down a road that we may not know where we end, but
    we...that's exactly what science is all about. I'm very sorry,
    but I you know I do feel sympathy for people who whose spines
    are...have uh have been severed. There's a possibility we
    might be able to cure them. I am concerned about a cure for
    juvenile diabetes. And if these types of scientific
    advancements can cure these diseases, then quite candidly
    I think there ought to be at least, what President Bush has
    said, some limited research."
   "One of the one of the big questions that still remains for  [Right Channel]
    me though is that all of these embryos that are are set or
    uh being discarded for example um is this worse than just
    throwing those away?"
   "We don't know if they're going to be discarded. All of a    [Right Channel]
    sudden, I mean, we're going to say, uh we started with the
    ones that are going to be discarded. Then all of a sudden,
    we're going to have people being solicited to donate parts
    of their their anatomy to harvest parts of, like, a part
    of what have you. I mean that's how's it starts."
   "Even though if they start soliciting, women and men in      [Right Channel]
    fertility clinics have extra embryos."
   "Stem cells come from developing human beings and that they  [Right Channel]
    shouldn't be uh experimented on in a way that doesn't make
    sense or that is unethical, but at the same time there is
    great promise."
   "I have a 28-year-old son, her grandson, that that uh is     [Left Channel]
    uh paraplegic. And if there is a small chance that my son
    would be able to have any feeling and be able to walk, I
    am for it."
   "a human body having evolving for tens of thousands of       [Right Channel]
    years and we're just injecting cells from embryos into
    people's brains, and and how do we come to to do something
    like that?"   

memahami lirik lagu fiction - Avenged Sevenfold

karna lagu ini adalah lagu paling favorit gue jadi gue mau ngupas lagu ini,
dan ini menurut gue :
lirik lagu ini bisa direfresikan untuk keluarga, teman, bahkan orang terdekat sekalipun,
jadi gue pilih leana silver (kekasih The rev) untuk jadi pemeran utama dilirik ini

Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man.
Like a friend we saw it
In the end I gave my life for you.
(dibagian ini bs diartikan prtemuan the rev dngn leana, dan memutuskan untk memilih hidup brsma leana)

Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest
my head
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on
the other side
(the rev mrasa sdh memenuhi apa yg hrus ia penuhi pada leana,
dan dia ingn mncari tempat untk beristirahat nmun dia sulit untk menemukan tmpat itu, tp dia mndengar ada kedamaian disana
"Bs diartikan tempat itu adlh akhirat")

Let this life just set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me
All this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid
(the rev brkata: mngkin dngan mninggalkan hidup aku akn menemukan tmpat itu, dan mmbawa sbagian dari leana kedalam diriku,
dan mungkin smua rasa sakitku akan memudar,
dan brkata pada leana agar tdk tkut jika the rev pergi)

Not that I could or that I would
Let it burn under my skin, let it burn
(Bukanya aku bisa terbakar, atau membiarkanya membakar dibawah kulitku,
biarlah terbakar.
terbakar/membakar bisa diartikan mati/yg bisa membuat mati)

I hope it's worth it
Here on the highway, yeah.!
ini, yeah
I know you'll find your own way
When I'm not with you
So tell everybody
The ones who walk beside me,
I hope you'll find your own way
When I'm not with you tonight
(dibagian ini adalah pesan terakhir the rev, dimana the rev brharap bhwa ini setimpal dngan apa yg the rev berikan slama ini pada leana, dan percaya bhwa leana akan  menemukan jalan hidupnya sndiri jika the rev gak bersmanya)

I hope it's worth it
What's left behind me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way
When I'm not with you
So tell everybody
The ones who walk beside me,
I hope you'll find your own way
When I'm not with you tonight
(the rev brkata pada leana agar mengatakan pada smua orng yg mengenal the rev,
Bhwa the rev prcya leana bs mnemukan jalan hidupnya sndiri jk the rev tdk bersamanya)


arti dibalik lagu ''In the name of God - Dream Theater''

lirik lagu ini berpusat pada cerita NABI PALSU, jadi tidak merujuk kepada salah satu agama manapun juga, tetapi merujuk kepada etnis2 yang boleh kita bilang sesat MENURUT masyarakat dunia.

perhatikan verse berikut:

"Straight is the path
Leading to your salvation
Slaying the weak
Ethnic elimination"

verse ini merefer kepada Jim Jones:
orang ini menyuruh pengikut2nya bunuh diri massal sampai 900 orang pada 1978.

verse berikut:
"Self-proclaimed messiah
Led his servants
To their death
Eighty murdered
In the name of God

Forty sons and daughters
Un-consenting plural wives
In the name of God"

verse ini ditujukan kepada David Koresh:
orang ini sex-abused dan membakar pengikut2nya pada 1993

verse yang menguatkan kembali lirik lagu ini tentang agama2 etnik yang bukan Main Religion (contoh: Kristen, Islam, Buddha, Hindu, Konghucu, dll) adalah:

"Underground religion
Turning toward
The mainstream light
Blind devotion
In the name of God"

jadi, gw mewakili John Petrucci menyatakan bahwa lirik ITNOG tentang agama etnik yang sesat (menurut masyarakat dunia)