


kisah album "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence" Dream Theater

Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
lagu ini berdurasi (42:04)

    I. Overture (6:50)

    II. About To Crash (5:50)
      - John Petrucci
    She can't stop pacing
    She never felt so alive
    Her thoughts are racing
    Set on overdrive
    It takes a village
    This she knows is true
    They're expecting her
    And she's got work to do
Degree 1 : Seorang wanita yang menderita bipolar disorder, penyakit perubahan dan perputaran mood, hypomanic dan manic depression.
Dalam bait ini dia berada dalam keadaan hypomania yang ditandai oleh sikap yang enerjik, penigkatan kreativitas, terus berpikir, terus berkarya. over imaginatif.
Sepertinya dia adalah seorang seniman yang karyanya sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh masyarakat.
    He helplessly stands by
    It's meaningless to try
    As he rubs his red-rimmed eyes
    He says I've never seen her get this bad

    Even though she seems so high
    He knows that she can't fly
    And when she falls out of the sky
    He'll be standing by
Seseorang, mungkin ayahnya, selalu menjaganya, mengawasi tingkah lakunya
walaupun kurang tidur, ayahnya selalu mengawasi,
karena ayahnya tau suatu saat dia akan melewati masa hypomanicnya dan memasuki masa manic depression
    She was raised in a small midwestern town
    By a charming and eccentric loving father
    She was praised as the perfect teenage girl
    And everyone thought highly of her
    And she tried everyday
    With endless drive
    To make the grade
    Then one day
    She woke up to find
    The perfect girl
    Had lost her mind
Dia adalah orang yang berprestasi, dan menjadi idola dalam masyarakat
dengan hypomanicnya dia terus bekerja keras setiap harinya, mendapatkan nilai yang bagus
namun suatu hari dia tiba-tiba menjadi depresi.
    Once barely taking a break
    Now she sleeps the days away
    She helplessly stands by
    It's meaningless to try
    All she wants to do is cry
    No one ever knew she was so sad
    Cause even though she gets so high
    And thinks that she can fly
    She will fall out of the sky
DEngan tiba-tiba dia memasuki masa manic depression
dia hanya ingin menangis. tanpa orang mengetahui keadaannya

    But in the face of misery
    She found hopefulness
    Feeling better
    She had weathered
    This depression
Dalam depresinya dia mulai membaik.
terlihat bahwa dia menderita bipolar disorder II, dimana masa hypomanicnya lebih banyak dibanding masa manic depressionnya
    Much to her advantage
    She resumed her frantic pace
    Boundless power
    Midnight hour
    She enjoyed the race
Dia kembali ke masa hypomanic, dan kembali lagi ke sisi agresifnya
kembali bekerja, kembali berkarya

    III. War Inside My Head (2:08)
      - Mike Portnoy
    Napalm showers
    Showed the cowards
    We weren't there to mess around
    Through heat exhaustion
    And mind distortion
    A military victory mounted on innocent ground
Degree 2 : Seorang bekas tentara menderita post traumatic stress disorder.
ia merasakan flashback jaman dia terjun ke medan perang
    Hearing voices from miles away
    Saying things never said
    Seeing shadows in the light of the day
    Waging a war inside my head
    War inside my head
Setelah ia pulang, sampai sekarang pun dia masih dihantui oleh perang
Suara-suara dan bayangan visual masih melekat di ingatannya
    Years and years of
    Bloodshed and warfare
    Our mission was only to get in and kill
    A free vacation
    Of palm trees and shrapnel
    Trading innocence for permanent psychotic hell
Kehidupan dia selama perang vietnam, menebar teror, membunuh siapapun yang menghadapinya.
    Hearing voices from miles away
    Saying things never said
    Seeing shadows in the light of the day
    Waging a war inside my head
    Feeling strangers staring my way
    Reading minds never read
    Tasting danger with each word I say
    Waging a war inside my...
sampai sekarang pun dia masih dihantui oleh perang
Suara-suara dan bayangan visual masih melekat di ingatannya

    IV. The Test That Stumped Them All (5:02)
      - Mike Portnoy
    Standing in the darkness
    Waiting for the light
    The smell of pure adrenaline
    Burning in the night
    Random blinding flashes
    Aiming at the stage
    Intro tape begins to roll
    Igniting sonic rage
Degree 3 : Seorang musisi yang siap tampil didepan orang ramai. perasaannya bergejolak
Lampu-lampu panggung menghiasi, intro musik dimulai dan suasana mulai meriah

    Still they keep me between these hollow walls
    Hoping to find in me
    The answers to the test that stumped them all
Namun itu hanya bayangan seseorang yang menderita schizophrenia, dia sering berimajinasi dan berhalusinasi.
padahal dia hanya berada di dalam rumah sakit jiwa dan sedang melalui tes yang dilakukan dokter
    "The boy is just simply crazy
    Suffering from delusions
    We honestly think that maybe
    He might need and institution
    He lives in a world of fiction
    And really could use some help
    We have just the place to fix him
    To save him from himself"
Perbincangan dokter-dokter tentang hasil tesnya.
Dimana dia divonis mengalami halusinasi berada dalam dunia fiksi
Mereka terys mencoba untuk menyelamatkannya

    Curled up in the darkness
    Searching for the light
    The smell of stale sweat and shit
    Steaming through the night
    Random urine testing
    Pills red, pink and blue
    Counseling and therapy
    Providing not a clue
    Still the keep me between these hollow walls
    Hoping to find in me
    The answers to the test that stumped them all
Para dokter masih terus berusaha mendapatkan jawaban.
Mereka melakukan banyak tes, memberikan banyak obat-obatan
melakukan terapi dan konsultasi.
namun tetap tidak mendapatkan hasil
    "We can't seem to find the answers
    He seemed such a clear cut case
    We cannot just let him leave here
    And put all this work to waste
    Why don't we try shock treatment
    It really might do some help
    We have just the tools to fix him
    To save him from himself"
Para dokter masih belum mau menyerah dan menyia2kan usaha mereka.
Mereka pun mencoba shock treatmen untuk menyelamatkannya

    V. Goodnight Kiss (6:17)
      - Mike Portnoy
    Goodnight kiss in your nightgown
    Lavender in your bed
    So innocent as you lie down
    Sweet dreams that run through your head
    Are you lonely without Mommy's love?
    I want you to know I'd die for that moment
    You're just a poor girl
    Afraid of this cruel world
    Taken away from it all
Degree 4 : Seorang ibu membaringkan tubuh anaknya yang baru meninggal dalam tempat tidur.
memberikan ciuman malam terakhirnya.
Dia membayangkan kerinduan anaknya. masa-masa anaknya merindukannya
ingin kembali dia merasakannya.
anaknya hanya menjadi korban kekejaman dunia
    It's been 5 years to the day and
    My tainted blood's still the same
    I can't help acting this way and
    Those bastard doctors are gonna pay
    I'm so lonely without baby's love
    I want you to know I'd die for one more moment
    I'm just a poor girl
    Afraid of this cruel world
    Taken away from it all
Sudah 5 tahun dan sang ibu masih penuh kesedihan. Dia menderita post-partum depression
Dia merasa kebahagiaannya telah direnggut oleh dokter yang gagal menyelamatkan anaknya
dia menuduh dokter-dokter itu melakukan malpraktek

    VI. Solitary Shell (5:47)
      - John Petrucci
    He seemed no different from the rest
    Just a healthy normal boy
    His mama always did her best
    And he was daddy's pride and joy
    He learned to walk and talk on time
    But never cared much to be held
    And steadily he would decline
    Into his solitary shell
Degree 5 : Seorang pria yang normal, tumbuh dengan biasanya, menjadi kebanggaan orang tuanya
namun lambat laun ia mulai mengalami degradasi mental dan menderita autisme
dimana dia menghindari kontak sosial dengan bersembunyi dalam dunianya sendiri
    As a boy he was considered somewhat odd
    Kept to himself most of the time
    He would daydream in and out of his own world
    But in every other way he was fine
Dia mulai dianggap aneh oleh orang lain, hanya sibuk dengan diri sendiri
bermimpi dalam dunianya, namun dia baik-baik saja
    He's a Monday morning lunatic
    Disturbed from time to time
    Lost within himself
    In his solitary shell
    A temporary catatonic
    Madman on occasion
    When will he break out
    Of his solitary shell
Dia mengalami peledakan tiba-tiba,
menggila mendadak.
orang pun berharap dia secepatnya keluar dari dunianya  

    He struggled to get through his day
    He was helplessly behind
    He poured himself onto the page
    Writing for hours at a time

    As a man he was a danger to himself
    Fearful and sad most of the time
    He was drifting in and out of sanity
    But in every other way he was fine
Dia menjadi tertinggal dengan dunia luar
karena kesibukanya di dunianya sendiri
Kadang dia normal kadang dia menjadi gila.
    He's a Monday morning lunatic
    Disturbed from time to time
    Lost within himself
    In his solitary shell
    A momentary maniac
    With casual delusions
    When will he be let out
    Of his solitary shell
Dia mengalami peledakan tiba-tiba,
menggila mendadak.
orang pun berharap dia secepatnya keluar dari dunianya

    VII. About To Crash (Reprise) (4:04)
      - John Petrucci
    I'm alive again
    The darkness far behind me
    I'm invincible
    Despair will never find me
    I feel strong
    I've got a new sense of elation
    Boundless energy
    Euphoria fixation
Kembali ke Degree 1 : sekarang dalam sudut pandang sang penderita.
dia kembali ke masa hypomanicnya, merasa kuat dan penuh energi
    Still it's hard to just get by
    It seems so meaningless to try
    When all I want to do is cry
    Who would ever know I felt so sad
    Even though I get so high
    I know that I will never fly
    And when I fall out of the sky
    Who'll be standing by

    Will you be standing by
Sepertinya dia sudah bisa menyadari secara langsung keadaannya
dimana dia akan memasuki masa manic depression.
dan dia mengharapkan seseorang yang akan menolongnya  

    VIII. Losing Time / Grand Finale (6:00)
      - John Petrucci
    She dresses in black everyday
    She keeps her hair simple and plain
    She never wears makeup
    But no one would care if she did anyway
    She doesn't recall yesterday
    Faces seem twisted and strange
    But she always wakes up
    Only to find she'd been miles away
Degree 6 : seorang wanita yang menderita dissociative identity disorder atau Multiple Personality Disorder
dia tidak memiliki banyak teman.
Dia cenderung mengalami amnesia.
terlihat dari dia selalu bangun tanpa menyadari apa yang terjadi.
ini disebabkan oleh perubahan personalitinya secara tidak langsung
    Absence of awareness
    Losing time
    A lapse of perception
    Losing time
Ketidak sadaran dia, dan penyakit yang dia alami
membuat dia kehilangan waktu dalam hidupnya  

    Wanting to escape
    She had created a way to survive
    She learned to detach from herself
    A behavior that kept her alive
Untuk mengatasinya dia membentuk alternate personaliti secara sadar.
untuk melepaskan dari dirinya.  

    Hope in the face of our human distress
    Helps us to understand the turbulence deep inside
    That takes hold of our lives
    Shame and disgrace over mental unrest
    Keeps us from saving those we love
    The grace within our hearts
    And the sorrow in our souls
Bagian ini menjelaskan bahwa kita sadar akan penyakit jiwa yang diderita manusia
diharapkan kita menjadi lebih mengerti keadaan pikiran kita
untuk menyelamatkan orang yang kita sayangi

    Deception of fame   --> The Test That Stumped Them All
    Vengeance of war  --> War Inside My Head
    Lives torn apart  --> Goodnight Kiss
    Losing oneself  --> Losing Time
    Spiraling down  --> About To Crash
    Feeling the walls closing in  --> Solitary Shell

    A journey to find
    The answers inside
    Our illusive mind
Sebuah perjalanan menelusuri dalam pikiran kita


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